Maybe one day...home offices I only dream about...

Some of you might of caught on that when I'm a bit stressed out or have a looming deadline, that I go a little home office "crazy." As a freelancer working from home, however, it's sooooo vital to have a space set up in a way to keep you focused, efficient, and to foster creativity.

Once I settle down and am no longer so transient - I'm determined to have a home office closer to one of these beauties...

Okay. This, to me, is home office PERFECTION. Okay - just add a settee or comfy reading chair and you have the office of my dreams. Two separate work surfaces, (a desk and a table), an abundance of area to pin up inspiration, a generous bookcase, and great light. * day.
via Pinterest

via Pinterest

The mother of home office organization inspiration - check out the pinboard, and the rolling trolley!
via Little Green Notebook

Modest, but clean and beautiful
via Lifework

super clean design and coordinated storage to keep one focused...

or a cozy corner to dig up inspiring ideas
2 images above via House to Home

Love the desk will all the drawers!
via Home Sweet Home

Do you have a great home office?

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