Stargazer lilies and vintage china

Hi everyone! I wanted to share a super simple and sweet tablescape I created using some very old and rare china.

These plates came with sacks of flour to my grandfather's store and although they have no marking on the back, we have been told they are "Cone Premium." I featured the lilac version of these on one of my first tablescapes HERE

My mother gave me these beautiful stargazer lilies from her garden, which I placed with a few strands of fern in Mason jars inside the box.

The pink "Moonstone" glassware is by Fostoria and is part of a collection my mother started for my 10-year-old.

I have used sterling flatware from 1893, "Louvre" by R.S. Wallace and Sons, and Pfaltzgraff "Heritage" dinner plates. The napkins are part of a large collection my parents inherited from a relative. 

I have layered two ruffled runners that I made. The top one is from a fabric by Portfolio Textiles, and the bottom one is made from vintage feedsacks also from my grandfather's store. It actually is turned on the wrong side because I wanted solid cream color and this is the only one I had with ruffles.

This is such a simple table and so easy to put together for a casual ladies lunch. I love to layer old with new, rustic wood with sterling silver then top it off with flowers from the garden. 

I am loving using shades of pink as an accent for the first time ever. Not sure how this is going to work at Christmas! 

Thanks so much for stopping by! 


I'll be joining:

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