The Old Screen Door

Old screen doors have been calling me for some time. 

These screen doors are special to me because they were in my great grandfather's house here.

What to do with them was the only thing I could not figure out. Then it hit me. 

Laundry room door. Boring. Perfect place!

So, I pulled all the nails out and took off the old screen, then sanded and painted the door the same grey color as the old wood I had also found from the old house to use in the hall bathroom. I have painted a lot of the trim that grey color. I did not need to have a special color mixed up, but lucked into the exact color called, ironically, Grand Smoky Mountain, from Colorplace at Walmart. My dad told me that my grandfather sold "Battleship Grey" in his store, so that is probably what this really is. 

I then sanded lightly and rubbed on a walnut water-based stain to really make it look like the old wood. I then cut square chicken wire to cover the back instead of using screen. I covered part of that with burlap because I don't want to see into the laundry room. Since the heat pump return is in there, I left the bottom with just chicken wire, plus it makes it not so monochromatic. 

Then we tried to hang it, which was challenging because it was not square. We somehow got it to work though and I trimmed it out.

Here is how it looks in its new home. We also hung it the other direction, which I love. That gave me a blank wall to do something with.

I decided to use some more of the old wood from the house to make a spot for hanging aprons, feed sacks, etc. 

I also trimmed the bottom with the wormy chestnut baseboards. And, I did it myself! I actually made the cuts with the miter saw for the first time. This is the trim we are putting in the living/dining area eventually. 

I really love having this door here. I can imagine my dad as a child going through this door outside to play, or my grandmother opening it to call my grandfather in for lunch. 

The only problem is, it gave me more ideas about things to paint that color...and more places to use the trim:-)


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and to the Before and After party at Thrifty Decor Chick

TDC Before and After

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