Low-carb wrap

Hi everyone!

I wanted to share one of our favorite lunch choices around here. But first, some background. Luis and I have made low-carb eating a lifestyle. There is no comparison to how we both feel (and weigh) now to six months ago. I have been a Dr. Atkins fan for about 12 years, but I have not stuck with it consistently. The key to any eating plan is staying with it. No one can go on any "diet" then go off, back to the old habits and not expect to gain weight. All I have to do is compare our meal choices now (especially my husband's choices) to our meal choices before and they are so much healthier. I will never forget sitting at a meal in Germany with a couple who told me that they had to stop Atkins because their cholesterol went up. They were then eating Schnitzel (breaded and fried) and a huge portion of fries followed by some kind of sugary dessert. I looked at my plate of huge salad and a steak, and thought to myself, I wonder what your cholesterol is now? There are so many misconceptions about low-carb eating out there, but for me it comes down to this one basic thing -- your body burns what you put in. If you put in sugar, it has to burn that first. If you don't put sugar in, your body burns fat.  I just read that the one of the leading causes of heart disease is diabetes. One of the leading causes of diabetes is obesity. I want to do all I can to not be part of that domino effect. In any case, we eat a lot of fruits and veggies, lean meats, eggs, raw milk, cheeses, nuts, whole grains (oats), etc. Basically, we eat mostly whole foods -- outside aisle at the grocery store. I know I'm seriously digressing...now for the wrap...

Luis loves sandwiches so when I found these low-carb wraps, I knew he would be fine with the substitution. They have a whopping 13 grams of fiber compared to a slice of whole wheat bread which has 2 grams. 

On top of a wrap, I added a spread I made with cream cheese, grated cheddar cheese, chopped onion, and chili powder.

...different kinds of dark green lettuce from the garden.

Then I added smoked turkey, roasted peppers and banana peppers for Luis...

  Then to mine, I added a few more things! We LOVE Wickles sub relish. We get it at Mast General Store, and it is hot, spicy, and delicious! 

Then roll it all up...

We love these and try different things inside depending on what we have in the fridge and what is growing. I toast them and wrap up diced cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, feta cheese and italian dressing for a yummy summer lunch. They are also great for breakfast burritos, etc. 

If I could encourage people to do anything, it would be to choose whole foods, fresh veggies/fruits, and eliminate "fake" foods. This is what works for us. I know everyone is different, and everyone has an opinion, but I'll take this lunch choice over a Big Mac, fries and coke any day:-) Although I do love a Big Mac...every now and then.

***Because several have asked what kinds of things we eat, I wanted to add to this post. These are just some of the daily things we eat...not all in the same meal but some options.


Fried Egg sometimes with bacon or sausage but usually just an egg as that fills me up. I do use a little  bacon grease in a non-stick pan because that is better than the chemicals in non-stick sprays.

Dannon makes a yogurt called "Light and Fit" for diabetics with only 3 grams of carbs that I love.

I also love Atkins breakfast bars. The blueberry square is my fav.


Low-carb wrap 
We usually use the ones above in the wheat version.
I recently discovered a Flax/Oat/Whole Wheat pita bread by Joseph's Bakery that we love and are great filled with anything you would put in a sandwich.
Julians Bakery offers all natural no-carb breads that I have not tried yet but hear they are great.

I grow my greens in the summer and love dark ones. I add whatever I have on hand: cucumbers, tomato, onion, grated cheddar cheese, bacon, banana peppers, boiled eggs, etc.
I make Italian dressing with Olive Oil and Vinegar, but I also like Kraft Ranch.


Baked fish or chicken/salad/green veggie
I always have frozen Cod, Catfish or Tilapia on hand thanks to my mom. I drizzle olive oil, smooth a little butter on top, and whatever spices I want (garlic, cajun seasoning, etc.) then bake it frozen in a 400 oven for 25 minutes.

Green beans
Fried Cabbage
Asparagus, etc.

Stir Fry frozen veggies with chicken and a little soy sauce

Hamburger steak seasoned with steak seasoning/worchestershire/A-1

veggies dipped in Ranch:-)
Whole fruits (strawberries, clementines, grapes, grapefruit, etc. )

Basically, whole foods are what we strive for at this point and no low-fat versions since they are full of added unnatural ingredients.

This is basically what we don't eat:
bread (We get whole grains from whole oatmeal which I also add to meatloaf, etc. )
white potatoes
sweets (cakes/cookies, etc.)
Sugary drinks

It is really hard to put into one post what low-carb eating is especially as there are different phases where more carbs are allowed, but we are at the point where we really just try to stick to whole foods. I do have a lot of other recipes I will be adding to the recipe section here.

We feel so much better when we eat this way. Luis dropped 60 pounds and I dropped 30. Both of us had excellent numbers as far as good and bad cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure, etc., at our checkups this fall.

For more accurate info, though, I suggest visiting the Atkins website  HERE.  Also, Gail at Faithfulness Farm has tons of yummy recipes and tips on her site, so give her a visit.

We are true believers in this style of eating and approach it with common sense and health in mind. Everyone has to find what works for their body. Everything doesn't work for everyone for sure, but this is our tried and true method.

Thanks for stopping by!! 


I'll be joining:

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