Fall in the Country

Hi everyone! We are enjoying the most beautiful fall weather here in the mountains! Leaves are really just starting to turn, so I think the next couple weeks here will be incredible. I wanted to share our country porch...

Working with a $0 budget, I used mostly things I had here...corn stalks, ferns, birch logs, driftwood, etc. I did get three pumpkins, and my mom let me borrow the acorn squash.

I added these candles in the jars with lids because I didn't want them to get wet. 

Instead of mums, I used weeds, flowers, corn husks and leaves at the bottom of the steps. 

Come on up on the porch...

I found these antique bed springs in the guest house and thought the iron skillets my dad found would look great hanging there. He also found an old waffle iron for me. I made the sunbonnet years ago so I could be Laura Ingalls Wilder:-) I forgot I had the wagon wheel in the smokehouse. 

I didn't do much on the porch...just added a wreath and some fall candles. We love to sit out here this time of year. 

So that's our fall porch this year!

We are starting to get some color...

You can barely see the house now as everything has grown in so nicely. 

Thanks so much for stopping by! I very quietly passed the three-year blogging anniversary October 1, but I will be sharing the celebration with all of my followers with some multiple giveaways from Mikasa(!!!) and a beautiful enamel house sign from Ramsign coming soon.

In case you missed it, I have a new store called Knight's Store open on etsy with all kinds of country and vintage-inspired items from burlap and lace runners to tea towels and wood boxes. You are welcome to come by and take a look.


I'll be joining:

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