Isabelle's Trunk...

Hi everyone! I don't have a lot of photos for this post because I need to hurry and start gathering wood to build an ark! We have had over 4 inches of rain here and it is not stopping. Our creek is only 30 feet from the house so we keep going out to check, and it is as full as I have ever seen it. I hope you are all safe and dry:-)

I wanted to show you a peek of the the trunk I brought over from my parent's house. 

It is still wearing the green color my grandmother painted it so many years ago. I'm not sure if I will paint it or not. I had planned on maybe black, then I thought grey, but when I got it here, I kind of liked knowing it is a truly, vintage color.

I just placed my dad's 1956 Royal typewriter on top for now, but it seems to be a popular spot for it...

It is amazing how excited the children get about a typewriter. Knowing they can type something and instantly see it right in front of them. Imagine that. It makes me think we are really not progressing at all.

I'm excited to finally have my trunk here! Now I just need to figure out whether to paint it and what color...

Thanks so much for stopping by!! Please come by my facebook page if you have not been because we are having a great time chatting over there. 


I'll be joining:

Feathered Nest Friday

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